Customising your blog settings

These are the initial setup and settings customisation you’d need to do before starting to blog :

Dashboard > Settings > General Settings :-

  • Site Title – ie. Will’s Learning Journal
  • Tagline – (leave this empty; if you don’t have a tagline … yet)
  • Administration Email Address – (your email; during your signup)
  • Site Language – ie. English (United States) (you can change to other language if you want)
  • Timezone – ie. Singapore
  • Leave the rest default
  • Save Changes

Dashboard > Posts > Categories :-

  • Edit Uncategorized to something more generic ie. Misc etc.

Dashboard > Settings > Writing :-

  • Writing Settings > Default Post Category – change to ie. Misc (as above) > Save Changes

Dashboard > Settings > Reading :-

  • Reading Settings > Your homepage displays > A static page > Posts page – ie. Blog
  • Blog pages show at most – ie. 12

Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks :-

  • Ensure Permalink structure is set to Post name (this is important from SEO perspective!)

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